
International & Exchange Students

det365app很高兴你正在考虑成为华盛顿大学的国际学生 & Jefferson College. Our student-centered education and inclusive community offer a strong foundation for your development as a global citizen.

The 全球教育办公室 welcomes exchange and international students from around the world to our historic campus nestled in Washington, Pennsylvania. You will:

- Take courses on a variety of subjects and are invited to share your perspectives with your classmates.
-永远被认为是W&J教师眼中的校长, staff, students, 还有det365app学校的校友, 即使你决定回到你的祖国, after graduation.

你可以期待det365app办公室的高水平的支持,以及W的其他部分&J community. det365app的办公室以培养关爱社区而自豪. det365app邀请学生参加整个学期的校内和校外活动和短途旅行. Learn more below.



Take a Virtual Tour!

通过det365app的虚拟W,随时随地探索det365app美丽而历史悠久的校园&J experience! 了解det365app独特的学术课程, 充满活力的实习和海外学习机会, 还可以一窥你最喜欢的学习地点和宿舍.